EMS electro stimulation women exercises with coach in modern gym. Electric muscle stimulation workout

Staying fit has never been more important.

Going to next spacegym

Man and woman doing electro muscular stimulation training in a modern gym

Staying fit has never been more important.

Going to next spacegym

Space Gym EMS sport Bangkok and EMS traning Bangkok

Simplify your training, for a strong daily life.
Welcome to EMS Sport Bangkok and EMS Training Bangkok

GRAND OPENING - Spacegym Studio in 90 Sukhumvit 24

Space Gym - EMS Sport Bangkok and EMS Training Bangkok

the blessing of the monks

the blessing of the monks

the blessing of the monks

the blessing of the monks

Godd Luck and Success Mrs. Spacegym

Welcome to Spacegym At Sukhumvit

We are ready for you

Thanks for your wishes

The Spacegym Team at Sukhumvit

Mr. Spacegym with his Team at Sukhumvit

Mr. and Mrs. Spacegym with the Team

we warmly welcome you


Space Gym - EMS Sport Bangkok and EMS Training Bangkok

Spacegym ems sport and ems training at bangkok

Mr. Space Gym with the trainers

Checkout the trailer

Spacegym ems sport and ems training at bangkok

Welcome to Space Gym at the Walk

the blessing of the monks

Godd Lueck and Success

Mr. and Mrs. Space Gym and The Crew

Thanks for your wishes

Thanks for your wishes

Thanks for your wishes

Spacegym ems sport and ems training at bangkok

EMS Sport Bangkok
Space Gym Studio at The Walk


Find the right EMS Sport Bangkok studio near you, come by, and discover the new generation of training today!

EMS Sport Bangkok training

Muscles need one thing above all else to grow: tension. This fact makes it immediately clear why the EMS Sport Bangkok and EMS Training Bangkok concept is so effective. To be precise: 10-20 times more effective than training in a conventional gym. What has been scientifically proven in studies at renowned universities such as the Cologne Sports University or the University of Bayreuth has its origins in the unique training incentive that is provided through EMS training.

With SpaceGym, the EMS Sport in Bangkok and EMS Training Bangkok, every contraction of the muscle is supported by targeted electrical impulses. This also explains what the abbreviation EMS stands for: electrical muscle stimulation.

Spacegym ems sport and ems training at bangkok

EMS Sport Bangkok advantages


Don't you have time to do several hours of exercise every week? Then the EMS Sport Bangkok and EMS Training Bangkok is just right for you. Because during the workout, almost the entire body’s muscles are used. The result: strength training with enormous time savings. 20 minutes a week is enough to train muscles effectively.


Don't you feel like training alone? At EMS Sport Bangkok and EMS Training Bangkok, a personal trainer is by your side at all times. He motivates you during the exercises, shows you exactly how to move, and gives you tips and tricks to keep you on track. Our personal trainer will optimise your training plan and give you the best experience.


Do you want to strengthen your back? With our EMS training, you are able to intensively activate deeper muscle layers. Of course, this also applies to the parts of the muscles that are located directly on the spine. You will be spoken to, moved, and trained intensively. The result is optimal muscular support for the spine.


Do you want to make your everyday life more active? With our strength training the equation is correct: more muscles = more energy. All you have to do is feed your body enough food before and after the exercises. This way, you are able to support muscle building. As a result, your entire metabolism changes and you increase your energy turnover.


Do you want to strengthen your muscles? The impulses provided by EMS strengthen the skeletal muscles 100%. It is responsible for every movement of our body. The intensity of the training clearly supports muscle building. This growth of muscles results in greater tension on the surrounding connective tissue structures.

Do you want to optimize your weight?

We carry out a body analysis with our InBody measuring scales every month of your membership. This means we are able to clearly quantify your progress and make it visible. Body weight, muscle mass, and fat mass: This way, you can find out directly and at regular intervals whether you and your personal trainer are on the right track.

Spacegym ems sport and ems training at bangkok

Free trial training at EMS Sport Bangkok

Incl. initial consultation & in-body