At the beginning of the training you will receive a comfortable vest with which you can then carry out the workout. Through EMS training, all large muscle groups (abdomen, legs, buttocks, back, arms), but also smaller, deeper muscles (pelvic floor, back muscles, etc.) are electrically stimulated. It is an extremely effective training that allows you to pursue a wide variety of goals.  

As with any other physical stress, EMS training directly addresses the cardiovascular system. Increasing heart rate and blood pressure increases energy consumption throughout the body.

The EMS impulse only affects the striated muscles of the active musculoskeletal system. This is tensed individually depending on the set impulse strength. The strength of the impulse is adjusted precisely to give you the most effective training possible. Your body composition is the basis for strength training here.

The intensive strain on the muscles during training leads to targeted adaptation reactions. Since almost 90% of the total skeletal muscles are activated with each impulse, intermuscular coordination improves. In addition, the muscle cross-section increases (so-called hypertrophy).

It is the striated muscles that are addressed by the EMS pulse. All other elements of the active and passive musculoskeletal system are also passively addressed by the contraction of the muscles.

Clear answer: no. When used correctly, training has no negative health effects. This has been proven in several studies by independent sports universities.
EMS training provides intensive stimuli to the muscles. It is therefore completely sufficient to go to the EMS studio once a week. A clear difference to conventional strength training in the gym.  
Anyone with health problems – regardless of whether they are current or have occurred in the past – should ALWAYS get the green light from their family doctor beforehand. The advantage of EMS training is that it can be individually adjusted to the physical limitations of each member. If you are not sure, ask one of our personal trainers during your first consultation!  
EMS training has its origins in physiotherapy. EMS pulses were used to minimize or stop the atrophy (severe reduction in muscle mass) of the muscles. The successes in this area of ​​rehabilitation were documented and classified as successful. Since then, strength training via EMS has been used in competitive sports and medicine.  
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